In terms of their use, a common dilemma often faced by soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan is how to warn/deter suspicious or aggressively driven vehicles that are approaching their checkpoint or convoy operations with out using potentially lethal force. This is particularly a problem during night operations when identification is more difficult. Laser dazzlers have been especially useful in this regard as a means of non lethal deterrent.
The use of laser dazzlers in combat zones is not just limited to fixed positions and vehicles. Military personnel out on patrol or in the field have also used high power laser pointers as a non lethal means of deterrent. This use is clearly illustrated from a soldiers records of a Baghdad night patrol on Route Michigan.
Non lethal laser dazzler is one of many military personal who privately purchased a high power laser pointer.Enlarge US and coalition military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are employing high power laser pointers as means of non lethal deterrent and saving lives. Laser dazzler or green laser dazzler though are a new form of technology and are not yet standard military issue. Due to their immense value in combat situations, military personnel and their families are regularly buying green laser dazzlers and high power laser pointer at their own expense.
The importance of laser dazzlers in saving lives is also acknowledged by the Department of Defence . When you consider the alternative which is a bullet, I honestly believe you can use laser dazzler; you can use them effectively. These high powered laser pointers are commercially available and are normally purchased by military personnel and their families online. In situations when lives are at stake, it is essential for the laser dazzler to be effective.