To make the breakthrough upon existing laser pens or portable alloy-made lasers are barely possible. The laser pointers and portable lasers need to be revoluntionized anyway, while it’s obviously difficult to keep the costs down, especially when the employment of all titanium strikes the engineers at jetlasers.
We all know titanium is a critical strategic metal used in aerospace, automobiles, prosthetics, architecture and sporting goods. Nobody ever did think of using it on laser pointer pens or portable lasers, right? After all, to most people, laser tech is such a cutting-edge technology that it takes a lot of money to get a high stability laser pointer itself.
Simply the use of titanium on green laser pens or portable green lasers can potentially shock most laser hobbyists. However, jet lasers or jetlasers company knows how to shock people better. People soon find themselves lost in a land of unique and revoluntionized all-titanium laser models.
The lasers are waterproof to 30 meters and will be free from any oxidation even it’s soaked in water for 3 years. The anti-shock feature is also surpising enough, and it will stay well even if it falls down from 14 meters’ height. We’ve tested the all titanium casing that equips the led, it works well after such intense “fall”.
It seems that time has come for everyone to have a almighty green laser pointer that can be used in all kinds of weather conditions.
Background Information
Partnered with the the biggest Titanium production base in northern China, Jetlasers also comes up with the patented military-grade pure titanium green laser pointer models(including laser dazzlers), which hits the market the moment it strikes the idealism of the universal laser world. A series of photonics exhibitions witness the rise of Jetlasers all titanium laser models, while more and more laser hobbyists have been enthusing about those rarest and robustest lasers in their collection and meanwhile they bring the good name of the unique portable laser products into the world.